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Physical sciences
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Astroparticle physics and particle cosmology
Field theory and string theory
Astronomical instrumentation
Cosmology and extragalactic astronomy
Galactic astronomy
Degenerate quantum gases and atom optics
Foundations of quantum mechanics
High energy astrophysics and galactic cosmic rays
Planetary science (excl. solar system and planetary geology)
Stellar astronomy and planetary systems
Quantum physics not elsewhere classified
Astronomical sciences not elsewhere classified
Atomic and molecular physics
Photonics, optoelectronics and optical communications
Solar system planetary science (excl. planetary geology)
Atomic, molecular and optical physics not elsewhere classified
Space sciences not elsewhere classified
Acoustics and acoustical devices; waves
Thermodynamics and statistical physics
Other physical sciences not elsewhere classified
Condensed matter modelling and density functional theory
Structural properties of condensed matter
Surface properties of condensed matter
Condensed matter physics not elsewhere classified
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