Newcastle University

Dissipation in a Finite Temperature Atomic Josephson Junction

posted on 2022-09-07, 15:15 authored by Klejdja XhaniKlejdja Xhani, Nikolaos ProukakisNikolaos Proukakis

The description of the files containing the data for the paper: "Dissipation in a finite-temperature atomic Josephson junction." could be found here. In this paper 

we numerically demonstrate and characterize the emergence of distinct dynamical regimes of a finite temperature bosonic superfluid in an elongated Josephson junction generated by a thin Gaussian barrier over

the entire temperature range where a well-formed condensate can be clearly identified. 

The files 'imbalance_vs_time_T0_z0_...dat' are the data for fig1 (d) and fig10(a)-(ii). They  have as first column the time in arbitrary units which must be multiplied by 1/(2*pi*nu_x) in order to get the times in seconds. The third column in the number of condensate particles in the left well N_L from which we could achieve the condensate population imbalace z_BEC(t)=1-2*N_L/N_BEC. 

The file 'cond_frac..' contains the data for fig1(c) where the first column is the temperature in nK, the second column is the condensate fraction while the third one is the temperature scaled to the critical value.

The files 'integrated_densityxz_T,,.dat' are binary files, the first column is the x-axis in units of harmonic oscillator length along x-axis l_x, the fourth column is the equilibrium density along x-axis in arbitrary units. These are the data for fig1(a)-(b).

The files  'cond_thermal_tot_number_..dat'  contains the time in arbitrary units as first column (to be multiplied by 1.e-4/omega _x in order to convert it in seconds), the number of the condensate/thermal and total particles as second/third and fourth column respectively. The files 'imbalance_vs_time_Jos_...dat' contains the time in arbitrary units (which must be multiplied by 1/(2*pi*nu_x) in order to get the times in seconds), the third column in the number of condensate particles in the left well N_L from which we could achieve the condensate population imbalace z_BEC(t)=1-2*N_L/N_BEC and the fourth coulumn is the number of thermal particles on the left well. These data are for fig2 and fig5. 

The files 'imbalance_vs_time_diss_...dat' contains data used for fig6 and fig9 and their description is the same as the files ''imbalance_vs_time_Jos_...dat'.

The files 'conz1_...' have as first column the x-axis in units of harmonic oscillator length along x-axis, the fourth column is the density along x-axis in arbitrary units, and the number in the file name if multiplied by 1.e-4/(omega_x) gives the time in seconds. These data are used for creating the carpet plots in fig10.

The files 'imbalance_vs_time_..._fig11' has the same description as the files ''imbalance_vs_time_Jos_...dat'. The files 'cond_therm..fig11' has the same description as the files  'cond_thermal_tot_number_..dat'. These data are used for fig11.

The files  'Nbec_Nth_Ntot_T_..dat' has the same description as the files 'cond_frac...dat' and the files 'imbalance_vs_time_T...dat' has the same description as the files 'imbalance_vs_time_Jos_..dat'. From these files, the condensate/thermal and total population imbalance is obtained at different temperature, whose fit gives the results of Fig3, Fig4, Fig7 and Fig8.

The files 'conz1_..fig11..dat' have the same description as the files ' conz1_...', the files 'thz_...dat' have as first column the x-axis in arbitrary units while the second column is the value of the thermal cloud density  along x-axis. The files 'imbalance_vs_time_..._fixed_Ntot..dat' have the same description as the files 'imbalance_vs_time..dat'. These data are used for building fig11 and fig12. 


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