Data supporting publication: Phase transition dimensionality crossover from two to three dimensions in a trapped ultracold atomic Bose gas
Data to support the publication "Phase transition dimensionality crossover from two to three dimensions in a trapped ultracold atomic Bose gas"
Article DOI: 10.48550/ARXIV.2204.10120
In summary, this data contains:
- 1 README (.txt)
- 4 data files (.mat)
- 1 MATLAB script (.m)
- 1 Julia script (.jl)
- 1 Font file (.ttf)
We include a README file which demonstrates to the reader the exact contents of the files contained herein and the names and sizes of each variable included. It additionally explains how a reader can generate each of the figures.
There are 4 data files with the extension ".mat". Three of these pertain to the wavfunction data included in Figure 1, the other file "figure_data.mat" contains the rest of the data used in this project plotted in figures 2-7.
There is one MATLAB script "gen_figure1.m" which a reader can run on their own computer to generate figure 1 of the publication.
There is one Julia script "generate_plots.jl" which a reader can run on their own computer to generate figures 2-7 from the publication.
There is one font file "OpenSans-Bold.ttf" which is used to exactly copy the fonts used in the sublabels of figures 2,3,5,6.
If a reader encounters any problems or has any questions about this dataset, they are encouraged to contact
NAQUAS: Non-equilibrium dynamics in Atomic systems for QUAntum Simulation
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
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