This data release is associated with the publication "The Quasar Feedback Survey: zooming into the origin of radio emission with e-MERLIN".
This work presents 6GHz radio imaging, obtained from eMERLIN for the 42 quasars from the Quasar Feedback Survey (first presented in Jarvis et al. 2021, MNRAS, 503, 1780 ).These targets are z~0.1 quasar host galaxies, selected to be luminous in [O III] emission (L[O III] > 1042.1 erg/s). For full details of the survey see Jarvis et al. (2021).
This data release contains images produced from the e-MERLIN data for each of the 42 sources. The raw e-MERLIN data were obtained under programme ID: CY11205.
All normal metadata, associated with astronomical images (observation details, source details, process of imaging), is included with the fits files.
These images were produced using natural weighting with additional uv-tapering applied at 4 M*lambda (when applying the TCLEAN imaging algorithm).
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