Internal Layer Continuity Index returns and englacial reflectors from Lambert Glacier, East Antarctica.
This directory contains the Internal Layer Continuity Index returns when averaged over 100 traces and 1000 traces across a portion of the BAS-AGAP North, Lambert Glacier, East Antarctica. The directory also contains 'Traced buckle reflectors picks from the fold feature found along the shear margin of Lambert Glacier, East Antarctica
The three sets of information are provided as:
> ”AGAPall100.csv”
> ”AGAPall1000.csv”
csv attributes:
(1) ‘Line_name’: flight name
(2) 'X’: projected X and Y coordinates (Polar Stereographic, EPSG: 3031)
(3) 'Y’: projected X and Y coordinates (Polar Stereographic, EPSG: 3031)
(4) ‘TraceNr’: Trace number for the chirp radar data (x axis)
(5) ‘ILCI’: Internal Layer Continuity Index output.
> ” Traced_buckle_reflectors.csv”
csv attributes:
(1) ‘Line_name’: flight name
(2) ‘Horizon_name’: Englacial reflector horizon name associated with the flight name.
(3) 'X’: projected X and Y coordinates (Polar Stereographic, EPSG: 3031)
(4) 'Y’: projected X and Y coordinates (Polar Stereographic, EPSG: 3031)
(5) ‘TraceNr’: Trace number for the chirp radar data (x axis)
(6) ‘Z(ms)’: Depth of the picked horizon (BAS System) (units: microseconds)
(7) ‘Depth(m)’: Depth of the picked horizon (units: metres)
(8) ‘IceThickness(m)’: Ice thickness (units: metres)