Informing drug discovery: a systematic review of POLG-related disease models
Briefing. Overview of how the risk of bias was assessed
Supplementary Table 1. PRISMA checklist
Supplementary Figure 1. PRISMA flow diagram
Supplementary Table 2. Search strategy
Supplementary Table 3. Detailed article inclusion/exclusion criteria
Supplementary Table 4. Excluded full text articles
Supplementary Table 5. Data extracted from all included articles.
Supplementary Table 6A. The criteria for assessing reporting quality of each article.
Supplementary Table 6B. The assessment of the reporting quality of each article.
Supplementary Table 6C. The summarised Assessment of the reporting quality of each article.
Supplementary Table 6D. The assessment of risk of bias for each model system.
Updated versions are due to changes made during the review stages to ensure clarity of reporting.