Newcastle University

Anchoring digital maps

posted on 2020-05-21, 14:09 authored by Matthew HanchardMatthew Hanchard
The data relates to the research conducted by Dr. Matthew Hanchard as part of his mixed-methods doctoral thesis – completed part-time between 2011 and 2019. The research began at the University of Sheffield before being transferred to Newcastle University in October 2016. The research employed three methods of data collection – a survey, interviews and focus groups. The survey was analysed in SPSS and R and the interviews and focus groups were analysed in QSR NVivo Pro 11.

The survey data was collected online using SurveyMonkey between May and July 2013. This dataset comprises the survey questionnaire (in .DOCX format), the anonymised survey responses (in .CSV format), and the consent statement that survey respondents agreed to prior to completing the questionnaire. All survey data were analyses using SPSS and R.

The interviews were conducted between October 2013 and June 2015 with 35 participants. Some interviews involved more than participant at the same time, as such the 35 participants are spread over 32 transcripts.
The interview and focus group data were gathered, according to the Interview Consent form, using a video recorder before being manually transcribed in Microsoft Word. Where participants refused to be video-recorded and audio-recording was used, with the recording manually transcribed in Microsoft Word. In two interviews participants refused to be recorded at all – in these cases just notes were taken by hand and typed up int Microsoft Word. For focus groups no option was given for participants not to be recorded. One interview participant sent a follow-up e-mail, which has been anonymised and saved in Microsoft Word. All items processed in Microsoft Word have been deposited as /docx files.

The transcripts and notes from interviews and focus groups were analysed in QSR NVivo Pro 11. These have been exported from NVivo as marked-up .docx files (with embedded XML headings). Each interview transcript relates to an entry in the interview classification sheet. The focus group participants were a subset of the interview participants and so can also be traced to the same interview classification sheet. The classification sheet was created in Microsoft Excel and sets out the pseudonym given to each interview/focus group participant and their core socio-demographic information (age, gender).



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