PMG - Porous Microstructure Generator View the overview video at: View the Example of carbon paper generation at: Example: Generate carbon paper type structure Guide: 1. Click the fibrous tab 2. Change the grid resolution (try to have the same cell size in x, y and z directions) 3. Choose domain size (m) and diameter of fibres (m), in this example it is 500x500x150 um with a 10 um fibre size. 4. Choose the curvature of fibres (larger numbers create straight fibres). 5. Click the run button (this may take some time depending on the size of your domain), wait until the rendering has completed. 6. (Optional) Click the "Form Film" button, choose phase 1, film growth type 1 and select a value on the slider. 7. Look at both the visualisation and the phase fraction on the bottom right. 8. Save structures by choosing "Save Image" button on the bottom right and it will save as .tiff image (which can be opened in ParaView). 9. Save surface of phases by choosing phase 1 and pressing the "Save .STL" button. Wait for the option to save file to appear and then repeat the process for phase 2 (film phase). Please send any feedback to: Please send any personal requests for features to: /