READ ME This text describes the data presented in the paper: Seasonal changes in the hippocampal formation of hoarding and non-hoarding tits ======================== Introductory information ======================== Files included in the data deposit (include a short description of what data are contained): 1) Behaviour2005-2006: contains the summary of daily behaviour observations in willow tits in 2005-2006 2) SeasonalBrains2006-2007: contains all the data on the birds that were captured in 2006-2007 and whose anatomical data were used in the paper ========================== Methodological information ========================== A brief method description – what the data is, how and why it was collected or created, and how it was processed: The methods are described in detail in our paper in Learning and Behaviour. In brief, these data describe a seasonal pattern in hoarding and eating behaviour (dataset 1) in willow tits in Northern Finland, and anatomical measurement (mostly neuroanatomical, some of other body parts; dataset 2) of willow tits and great tits from Northern Finland. Instruments, hardware and software used: N/A Date(s) of data collection: August 2005-September 2007 in the field, up to Summer 2008 for the neuroanatomical quantification. Geographic coverage of data: Birds and behaviour data were collected near Oulu in Finland. Data validation (how was the data checked, proofed and cleaned): Neuroanatomical quantification was done blind to the identity of the birds (and the season they were captured). Overview of secondary data, if used: N/A ========================= Data-specific information ========================= Definitions of names, labels, acronyms or specialist terminology uses for variables, records and their values: Dataset 1: ID: unique ID for each observation day Year: autumn-winter years when observation were made date: actual date of the observation day daylength: proportion of the day between sunrise and sunset eatperh: average number of items eaten per hour (obtained by dividing the number of eating events observed in that day by the total length of valid observations for the day) hoardperh: average number of items hoarded per hour (obtained by dividing the number of eating events observed in that day by the total length of valid observations for the day) eatcountph: eatpherh rounded hoardcountph: hoardperh rounded Tmin: observed minimum temperature on that day for the observation site (local weather station data) Tmax: observed maximum temperature on that day for the observation site (local weather station data) Tmean: observed mean temperature on that day for the observation site (local weather station data) allcountph: sum of eatcountph and hoardcountph Dataset 2: BrainID: unique ID for each bird in the dataset period: time of year the bird was captured date: actual date on which that bird was captured sex: M=male, F=female Hemisp: brain hemisphere processed (RH=right hemisphere; LH=left hemisphere) species: GT=great tit; WT=willow tit time captured: time of day the bird was captured time processed: time of day the bird was killed and dissected bagtime: time between capture and killing, during which the bird was held in a bird bag in the field Telmm3: volume of the telencephalon in mm3 Hipmm3: volume of the hippocampal formation in mm3 RTmm3: volume of nucleus rotundus in mm3 neurons: estimated total number of neurons smallcells: estimated total number of small cells (may be a mix of neurons and glia) wing: winglength in mm tarsus: tarsometatarsus length in mm mass: body mass in g fat: fat score in the furculum lntel: natural log transformed telencephalon volume lnHF: natural log transformed hippocampal formation volume lnRt: natural log transformed nucleus rotundus volume lntars: natural log transformed tarsometatarsus length lnwing: natural log transformed wing length lnmass: natural log transformed body mass lnFat: natural log transformed fat score lnneurons: natural log transformed number of neurons lnsmall cells: natural log transformed number of small cells Town or Forest: whether a bird was capture in a town or in the forest. Explanation of weighting and grossing variables: N/A Outline any missing data: N/A ======= Contact ======= Please contact for further information