This dataset forms a complete and up-to-date repository of all data collected at the UKCRIC National Green Infrastructure Facility (NGIF). NGIF is a full-scale living laboratory for multidisciplinary testing and demonstration of fully functional green infrastructure and sustainable drainage systems, based at Newcastle University, in the North-East of England. NGIF is based in the Urban Sciences Building (NE4 5TG) and features a number of heavily-instrumented green infrastructure features along Holmes Avenue. The following datasets are available for download: Lysimeter 1: Teaching and demonstration lysimeter featuring a weather station and pit rain gauge. Soil profile consists of compost mulch over sand, over clay, over gravel and planted with dense tufted grass. Lysimeter 2: Sand filled lysimeter featuring wheat-straw pellet amended topsoil with grass and clover planting – investigating the carbon capture potential and remediation properties of amended substrates. Lysimeter 3: Bare earth Urban Green DaMS lysimeter investigating hydrological performance of GI Lysimeter 4: Amenity grass Urban Green DaMS lysimeter investigating hydrological performance of GI Lysimeter 5: Sand filled lysimeter featuring biochar amended topsoil with grass and clover planting – investigating the carbon capture potential and remediation properties of amended substrates. Lysimeter 6: Automatic weather station for site-wide evapotranspiration and weather calculations Lysimeter 7: Shrubbed (Iris Sibirica) Urban Green DaMS lysimeter investigating hydrological performance of GI Lysimeter 8: Shrubbed (Deschampsia cespitosa) Urban Green DaMS lysimeter investigating hydrological performance of GI Lysimeter 9: High plasticity clay slope featuring fallow and grassed surfaces – investigating the near-surface deterioration processes (inc. desiccation cracking) of infrastructure slopes Lysimeter 10: Sand filled column covered by a topsoil planted with ryegrass featuring an in-situ heating element – investigating the heat rejection potential of GI for combined Ground Source Heat Exchanger and SuDS performance enhancement. All lysimeters are raised 1.2 m above ground level. Lysimeters 1, 6 and 10 are circular (Ø 2 m, 1.2 m deep) Lysimeters 2, 5 and 9 are rectangular (2 m × 5 m × 1.2 m) and Lysimeters 3, 4, 7 and 8 are square (2 m × 2 m × 1.2 m). All UGDaMS lysimeters are separated into two hydrologically isolated cells (Cell A: Restricted outflow from 01/04/2021; Cell B: Unrestricted outflow). Details on UGDaMS lysimeter commissioning can be found using the following resources. These resources provide a detailed understanding of the lysimeters based at the National Green Infrastructure. Separate lysimeter commissioning videos are available on the NGIF YouTube channel. UGDaMS Lysimeter Filling (Phase 1): This video shows phase 1 of the filling of the EPSRC 'Urban Green DaMS (Design and Modelling of SuDS) lysimeters, based at the National Green Infrastructure Facility, Newcastle University. Phase 1 of the lysimeter filling involved the fitting of three main components: 1) A 60 mm land-drain piping connected to a gauged lysimeter outflow; 2) A 4 - 40 mm course gravel drainage layer with a depth of 180 mm 3) A 2 - 6 mm aggregate transition layer with a depth of 120 mm, used to prevent the migrations of fine sediment to the lysimeter outflow. Aggregate was weighed before putting into the lysimeter compartments to ensure comparable bulk density of aggregate. In total, 500 kg of 4 - 40 mm and 375 kg of 2 - 6 mm substrate were put into each of the 8 compartments. This took place w/c 10/02/20. UGDaMS Lysimeter Filling (Phase 2): Phase 2 (shown here) involved filling the lysimeters with 700 mm depth of SuDS substrate and installing a network of sensors to monitor a number of hydrological variables (such as volumetric water content, temperature, electrical conductivity etc.). 850 kg of SuDS substrate was placed into each of the lysimeter cells. All eight cells (two per lysimeter) were filled with the same mass to ensure comparable bulk density. Aggregate was weighed before putting into the lysimeter compartments to ensure comparable bulk density of aggregate between lysimeter cells. In total, 500 kg of 4 – 40 mm and 375 kg of 2 – 6 mm substrate were put into each of the 8 compartments. UGDaMS Vegetation Scenarios: This video shows the planting of vegetation within the UGDaMS lysimeters at the National Green Infrastructure Facility, Newcastle University, UK. Four vegetation scenarios are analysed to interpret differences in evapotranspiration and outflow/mass balance volumes. - Unvegetated (bare soil; L3) - Amenity grass coverage (L4) - 2 uniform mono-cropped shrub scenarios (L7: Iris Sibirica and L8: Deschampsia Cespitosa) UGDaMS Complete Lysimeter Commissioning: This video details the process of commissioning the lysimeters within the National Green Infrastructure Facility at Newcastle University. This research forms part of the EPSRC funded project 'Urban Green DaMS'. This video complements the technical time-lapse videos on our channel, showing Phase 1 and 2 of the lysimeter commissioning process. Ensembles A – F feature various vegetation planting styles indicative of SuDS systems, ranging from grass (Ensemble A) to SuDS shrub species (B - E) and bare earth (Ensemble F). The Green Roof is situated on the Urban Sciences Building roof and the Swale runs parallel to Holmes Avenue and is a 140 m long fully-functional SuDS feature. All data is also available for visualisation and plotting on the NGIF data app: Videos are also available via the NGIF YouTube channel, which show up-to-date experimental designs. Please contact for further information on the experiments we conduct and if you would like to discuss collaborative projects/using our data.