is a compressed file containing 340 CSV text files, each of which records one measurement of stereo threshold with the ASTEROID stereotest. is a folder containing R code to analyse the data and generate the data figures in the paper. Please unzip each into its own folder. You should then have a folder containing two subfolders: 1. CleanedData: a folder containing 340 CSV files. Data from ASTEROID v1.0 is in files with names like: StereoacuityRandomDots-002-1317697215cb4a9561d49f2759ef321b-17-12-2019-Time-11H-02M-58S.csv The "002" is a participant ID code; the long code is the serial number of the device on which the test was conducted; the last part is a date/time stamp ("17-12-2019-Time-11H-02M-58" : the test was conducted at 11:02am on 17th December 2019). Data from ASTEROID v0.9 is in files with names like trialData-001-dec1c806bc85de4c58776276cae87687-16-12-2019-Time-19H-16M-54S.csv again with participant code, serial number and timestamp. Each CSV file starts with some rows listing information about the participant - sex, date of birth etc. "Head tracking" is whether or not the device was attempting to track viewing distance. "Cut scenes" is about whether the test was interrupted with an animated story. "Theme" describes what the story would have been (not used in this study). "Start threshold" = 0 indicates that no prior information was available about the participant's vision. Then there are several rows describing each trial. "Stimulus arcsec" is the desired disparity in arcsec (though the actual disparity depends on viewing distance) "Clue Amount" describes the non-stereo cue. Any trials where this value is not 0 are non-stereo trials. "Seconds taken" is an estimate of reaction time. "Distance" records the distance, in cm, used by the tablet when computing the parallax in pixels given the desired disparity. "Intro" says whether or not the trial was one of the four introductory trials. The "U_" columns are to do with the distance tracking and can be ignored. The last row records the "final estimate" of stereo threshold originally produced. These files have been modified to add in an "Estimate after correction for viewing distance". 2. AnalysisCode: a folder containing R code. AnalysisCode.Rmd is an R markdown file which can be "knit" to produce AnalysisCode.docx. You could also cut out the code chunks and just run those in R. It also generates tiff figures and saves them in the AnalysisCode folder. MadridPptDetails.csv is a CSV file containing information about the Madrid participants' performance on the Randot Circles test, as well as visual acuity and information about ASTEROID. Alauda and Pallas were names of the two tablets used to run ASTEROID in Madrid. Alauda ran v1.0 and Pallas ran v0.9. readAsteroidFile.R is R code for a function to read in data from an ASTEROID csv file. r-references.bib, cite_r.R and r_refs.R are to help generate a list of the packages used in the paper, for citation.