*********** Introductory information ## File name: Metadata_SBP.csv -- this data file summarize all the raw SBP results from 32 subject. For each subject, there were 16 values from 2 BP determinations on separate days, 2 repeat measure recordigns, 2 stethoscope sides and 2 tube lengths. -- column A: Subject number -- column B-E: first determination, first repeat -- column G-J: first determination, second repeat -- column B-E: second determination, first repeat -- column B-E: second determination, second repeat -- Units of measurement: mmHg ## File name: Metadata_DBP.csv -- this data file summarize all the raw DBP results from 32 subject. For each subject, there were 16 values from 2 BP determinations on separate days, 2 repeat measure recordigns, 2 stethoscope sides and 2 tube lengths. -- column A: Subject number -- column B-E: first determination, first repeat -- column G-J: first determination, second repeat -- column B-E: second determination, first repeat -- column B-E: second determination, second repeat -- Units of measurement: mmHg ## Key words: Bell and diaphragm; Blood pressure; Korotkoff sound; Stethoscope characteristic;Stethoscope tube length. ## Date: 2014 November, analysis to generate these data. *********** Methodological information ## A brief method description ¨C what the data is, how and why it was collected, and how it was processed -- Thirty-two healthy subjects (19 male and 13 female) were recruited from May to July 2014, with ages from 24 to 68 years. -- For each subject, there were two repeat sessions with four measurements for each, giving a total of 8 recordings. There was a time interval of at least 1 min between the four measurements within a session and at least 4 min between the two sessions, allowing recovery cardiovascular hemodynamics. The order of the four measurements within the sessions for each subject was randomised. During cuff deflation, the cuff pressure and Korotkoff sounds were digitally recorded at a sample rate of 2,000 Hz. Cuff pressure was linearly deflated at a standard rate of 2-3 mmHg/s. The deflation rate was controlled by an automatic device. ## There was no missing data. *********** Funding information ## This work was done at Newcastle University, UK ## This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council(EPSRC) Healthcare Partnership Award (reference number EP/I027270/1),and EPSRC standard grant (reference number EP/F012764/1).