READ ME This text describes the data presented in the paper: ======================== Introductory information ======================== Files included in the data deposit: 1) In NJP.2016_Gallucci_Proukakis/, each compressed folder named (with #=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,A1,B1) contains source data files (with extension .dat) for the corresponding figures in the paper, together with the source codes used to create those figures (files with extension .m and .pot use matlab and open office respectively, while files with no extension use xmgrace). Source data type is a combination of data sets and spreadsheet. In each folder it is also stored the actual final version of the figures, and subfigures, (with extensions .png and .eps) as these appear in the paper. 2)In NJP.2016_Gallucci_Proukakis/, there is also a folder named suppementary_material/ where movies are stored (with extension .avi) and a pdf file describing what the movies show. Key words used to describe the data: "2ddens*" refers to the 2d gas density. "phase*" refers to the condensate phase. "carpet*" refers to the 2d renormalized density of the gas. "ydens*" or "radial" refers to the 1d radial density cut. "zdens*" or "azimuthal" refers to the 1d azimuthal density cut. !!!Please notice that the symbol * is the snapshot frame (3 digits) number, corresponding to a specific time in the evolution of the system!!! ========================== Methodological information ========================== A brief method description: The several data stored in the aferomentioned folders is used to show the generation, dynamics and interaction of solitary waves in ring-shaped weakly interacting Bose gases at very low temperatures, under various conditions (e.g. different geometry of the ring, presence of thermal fluctuations etc...) Data were obtained by running a Fortran source code that solves the Stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii equation (SGPE) and the ordinary GPE numerically. Also the Condor statistical tool was used to perform averages over multiple runs of the SGPE. Instruments, hardware and software used: The tools used to create the plots shown in the paper are matlab, xmgrace, and open office. Date(s) of data collection: From September '14 until December '15 Geographic coverage of data: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK