*********** Introductory information ## File name: 2016-05 Metadata_Respiratory modulation on OscP and KorS--Biomedical Engineering Online.csv -- this data file summarize all the final results from 40 subjects. For each subject, there were 16 values from 2 measurement conditions (normal breathing and deep breathing). -- column A: Subject number -- column B-I: fR, fO, fK, AMDO, AMDK, SBP, MAP, DBP from normal breathing. -- column K-R: fR, fO, fK, AMDO, AMDK, SBP, MAP, DBP from deep breathing. OscP: Oscillometric pressure signals KorS: Korotkoff sounds fR: frequency of respiration signal; unit:Hz fK: frequency of the amplitude modulation signal on Korotkoff sound; unit:Hz fO: frequency of the amplitude modulation signal on oscillometric cuff pressure pulses; unit:Hz AMDO: amplitude modulation depth from oscillometric cuff pressure pulses; AMDK: amplitude modulation depth from Korotkoff sounds; SBP: Manual measurement by a trained operator; MAP: =DBP+(SBP-DBP)/3; DBP: Manual meaurement by a trained operator; Note: Over the time period between manual SBP and DBP, AMD was defined as the mean change of amplitude modulation signals normalized to mean amplitude of OscP and KorS signals ## Key words: respiratory modulation, oscillometric cuff pressure pulse, Korotkoff sound, blood pressure measurement. *********** Methodological information ## A brief method description - what the data is, how and why it was collected, and how it was processed -- 40 healthy subjects were studied. For each subject, six BP measurements were performed in total, with three repeats under two breathing patterns(normal and regular deep breathing with subjects breathing at their own comfortable rate). -- During linear cuff deflation, KorS was recorded by a piezo-electric microphone, with the bell-shaped stethoscope terminal connected to the microphone and placed on the antecubital fossa of the forearm. OscP was derived from the cuff pressure signals, while the reference respiration signal (Resp) was obtained by a chest magnetometer detecting chest wall movement . All signals were digitally recorded at 2 kHz and 16 bits, and stored to a computer for offline processing. -- The effects of respiration on both OscP and KorS were determined from changes in their amplitude associated with respiration between systole and diastole. These changes were normalized to the mean signal amplitude of OscP and KorS to derive the respiratory modulation depth. Reference respiration frequency, and the frequencies derived from the amplitude modulation of OscP and KorS were also calculated and compared. ## There was no missing data. *********** Funding information ## This data was collected at Newcastle University, UK. Anonymised data was analysed at South University of Science and Technology, China. ## This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council(EPSRC) Healthcare Partnership Award (reference number EP/I027270/1), and EPSRC standard grant (reference number EP/F012764/1).