READ ME This text describes the data presented in the paper: "Annotation of rule-based models with formal semantics to enable creation, analysis, reuse and visualisation". DOI: []( The online version of this material is available here: []( Authors: Goksel Misirli, Matteo Cavaliere, William Waites, Matthew Pocock, Curtis Madsen, Owen Gilfellon, Ricardo Honorato-Zimmer, Paolo Zuliani, Vincent Danos, and Anil Wipat ======================== Introductory information ======================== Files included in the data deposit (include a short description of what data are contained): 1) A single archive file,, containing the following folders: - ontology: Rule-based Modelling Ontology files in OWL/XML, RDF/Turtle and Manchester syntaxes. The ontology has been developed as part of the publication in order to faciliate the annotation of rule-based models. Annotating rule-based models with biological knowledge enhance computational access to models and can facilitate the development of many potential applications. - examples: Example models demonstrating the annotation approach presented in the paper. -tcs.kappa: An annotated Kappa model for a two-component system -tcs.kappa: An annotated BNGL model for a two-component system - krdf: A proof of concept tool that can extract annotations from rule-based models in order to validate rules Key words used to describe the data: Rule-based models, annotation, ontologies, iata integration, data mining ========================== Methodological information ========================== A brief method description, what the data is, how and why it was collected or created, and how it was processed: Instruments, hardware and software used: Technologies used include RDF, Turtle, Ontologies, SPARQL, Rule-based models (Kappa, BNGL), Haskell Date(s) of data collection: 2016 [comment]: <> (Geographic coverage of data:) Data validation (how was the data checked, proofed and cleaned): The RBM ontology, the krdf tool and example file were created as part of the publication by the authors. [comment]: <> (Overview of secondary data, if used:) ========================= Data-specific information ========================= Definitions of names, labels, acronyms or specialist terminology uses for variables, records and their values: RDF: Resource Description Framework OWL: Web Ontology Language RBM: Rule-based models BNGL: BioNetGen Language [comment]: <> (Explanation of weighting and grossing variables:) [comment]: <> (Outline any missing data:) ======= Contact ======= Please contact for further information