{"description":"The data set corresponds to the figures in the associated publication, which were the results of numerical simulations. Files included in the data deposit: 1) Figure1.mat - MATLAB data file containing the numerical value of the quasi-condensate classical field as it decays to equilibrium, with an equilibrium condensate fraction of \\rho_0\/\\rho = 0.22. Snapshots of 4 time points are included: t\/\\tau=0, 250, 1250, and 2500. 2) Figure2(upper).csv - CSV file containing the data used to produce Figure 2 (Upper). This includes the occupation numbers n_k, and integral distribution F_k, over wavenumbers k\\xi. 3) Figure2(lower).csv - CSV file containing the data used to produce Figure 2 (Lower). This includes the condensate fraction \\rho_0\/\\rho for each set of initial conditions over time, with k_c = 10 (2\\pi\/D) and 20 (2\\pi\/D). 4) Figure3.csv - CSV file containing the data used to produce Figure 3. This file includes the Incompressible kinetic energy spectrum, \\hat{E}^i_kin\/\\mu, of the quasi-condensate for different temperatures, with k_c = 10 (2\\pi\/D) and 20 (2\\pi\/D). 5) Figure4.csv - CSV file containing the data used to produce Figure 4. This file includes the vortex line density L\\xi^2 for each set of initial conditions over time, with k_c = 10 (2\\pi\/D) and 20 (2\\pi\/D). 6) Figure5.csv - CSV file containing the data used to produce Figure 5. This file includes the integral scale I\/\\xi for each set of initial conditions over time. Also included is the velocity correlation function f(r,t) at time t\/\\tau=300 for each set of initial conditions.","toolsUsed":"The data set is the results of numerical simulations of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. Full details of how the data was generated are given in the associated publication. MATLAB was used in part to generate this data set.","collectionDateRangeStart":"05\/2016","collectionDateRangeEnd":"10\/2016","geographicCoverage":"NA","validationMethod":"NA","variableExplanation":"NA","missingData":"NA","secondaryOverview":"NA","definitions":"t\/\\tau: time, n_k: occupation numbers, F_k: integral distribution, k\\xi: wavenumber, k_c: quasi-condensate cutoff, L\\xi^2: vortex line density, I\/\\xi: integral scale, f: velocity correlation function","publicationTitle":"Ultra-quantum turbulence in a quenched homogeneous Bose gas","universityEmailAddress":"george.stagg@ncl.ac.uk","personalEmailAddress":"georgestagg@gmail.com"}