READ ME This text describes the data presented in the paper: ======================== Introductory information ======================== Files included in the data deposit (include a short description of what data are contained): 1) Full version for the final submission 2) All the figures included in the papers 3) Sampled data for the stablity analysis Explain the relationship between multiple data sets, if required: Key words used to describe the data: interleaved boost converter, bifurcation diagram, stable analysis ========================== Methodological information ========================== A brief method description – what the data is, how and why it was collected or created, and how it was processed: The data is mainly sampled for the stability analysis of the interleaved boost converter, including the information of the amplitude of compensation slope, inductor current and output voltage. This data can be used to generate the bifurcation diagram of the interleaved boost converter Instruments, hardware and software used: oscilliscope Tetronix 4000 series; DSP controller board TI 28335; Tetronix voltage and current sensors P5205, TCP0030 Date(s) of data collection: 2015-06-17 Geographic coverage of data: 2015-09-09 Data validation (how was the data checked, proofed and cleaned): Overview of secondary data, if used: ========================= Data-specific information ========================= Definitions of names, labels, acronyms or specialist terminology uses for variables, records and their values: Explanation of weighting and grossing variables: Outline any missing data: ======= Contact ======= Please contact for further information