------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Andre Cidrim Publication: "Vinen turbulence via decay of multicharged vortices in trapped atomic Bose-Einstein condensate" Physical Review A 96, 023617 (2017) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Inside each folder (conveniently named after a correspoding figure as "./data_fig*/") one finds the files which support each plot appearing in the publication. The files are all ".txt" presented in two-columns. Specific decriptions can be found in the README files inside the folders. Summary of content: 1) FOLDER: data_fig2, FILES: bottom_v*.txt, top_v*.txt, 1_README_FIG2.txt; 2) FOLDER: data_fig3, FILES: w*.txt, 1_README_FIG3.txt; 3) FOLDER: data_fig5, FILES: bottom_v*.txt, top_v*.txt, 1_README_FIG5.txt; 4) FOLDER: data_fig6, FILES: w*.txt, 1_README_FIG6.txt; 5) FOLDER: data_fig7, FILES: PDFv*.txt, 1_README_FIG7.txt; 6) FOLDER: data_fig8, FILES: f*.txt, 1_README_FIG8.txt; 7) FOLDER: data_fig9, FILES: energy_spectrum.txt, 1_README_FIG9.txt; 8) FOLDER: data_fig9, FILES: vortex_length_ev.txt, 1_README_FIG10.txt; 9) FOLDER: data_fig12, FILES: iso_quotient.txt, 1_README_FIG12.txt; 10) FOLDER: movies, FILES: movie1.avi, movie2.avi ;