READ ME This text describes the data presented in the paper: "Noise-free generation of bright matter-wave solitons" Phys. Rev. A 98, 063626 (2018) ======================== Introductory information ======================== Files included in the data deposit: 1) Directory Figure2: Contains data plotted in Fig. 2. Figure2/FIG2d_solz_data.csv Figure2/FIG2b_wds_data.csv Figure2/FIG2c_solx_data.csv 2) Directory Figure3: Contains data plotted in Fig. 3. Figure3/FIG3a_delx_gamma_0p1.csv Figure3/FIG3a_delx_gamma_0.csv Figure3/FIG3a_delx_gamma_1.csv 3) Directory Figure4: Contains data plotted in Fig. 4. Figure4/Figure4c.h5 Figure4/Figure4ab.h5 4) Directory Figure5: Contains data plotted in Fig. 5. Figure5/FIG5c_delx.csv Figure5/FIG5a_fidelity.csv Figure5/FIG5b_quench_time.csv Key words used to describe the data: Soliton Bright Soliton Matter-wave Bose-Einstein Condensate Ultracold atoms ========================== Methodological information ========================== This data consists of the results of numerical simulations described in the paper "Noise-free generation of bright matter-wave solitons", which are plotted in Figures 2-5 of the paper. Instruments, hardware and software used: Matlab, Python, xmds2 ( Date(s) of data collection: 2018 ========================= Data-specific information ========================= File names for .csv files correspond to the relevant parts of the figure and the quantities plotted. For more information, see the description of the figures in the paper. Note that file Figure4ab.h5 contains space-time wavefunctions for many realizations of TW trajectories. The hdf5 dataset is stored as real (phiR) and imaginary (phiR) parts under the group "1". The dataset is indexed by space ("x"), time ("t") and realization index ("j"). Plotted in the figure are the first realization (index 0) and the average (over j). Note that file Figure4c.h5 contains in group "1" the following data in a slightly different notation to the paper. The following datasets are indexed in the file by time ("t"), gamma ("gamma") and atom number ("natoms"): w_gp : Gross-Pitaevskii fitted width (\ell_{S, GP}) w_avg: Average fitted width over TW trajectories (\langle \ell_{S,i} \rangle_{TW}) w_std: Standard deviation of the fitted width over TW trajectories (used to construct shaded uncertainty areas) ======= Contact ======= Please contact for further information