READ ME This text describes the data presented in the paper: Separability of neural responses to standardised mechanical stimulation of limbs. ======================== Introductory information ======================== Files included in the data deposit (include a short description of what data are contained): 1) .ns5 files The .ns5 file contains the time series data from the electrodes. The sampling rate is 30k/second. Row 1 - 16 correspond to the electrodes rOW 17 - flexsensor Row 18 - pressuresensor rOW 19 - signals to the motors 2) .nev files The nev file contains the comments and time stamps used for synchronising recordings. The comments indicate the time of stimulus application Both file types can be opened as structures in MATLAB using the openNEV and openNSx functions written by Blackrock microsystems available in the NPMK toolbox. The NPMK toolbox can be downloaded from here To open the files download NPMK and add to the MATLAB path. Type the command "openNSx" to open the .ns5 file or "openNEV" to open the .nev files into the command prompt. This will open a browser where the file you wish to open can be selected. Double click on the file you wish to open. The file will now appear as a structure title NS5 or NEV in the workspace in MATLAB For NS5 files the structure will contain four fields 1- MetaTags Structure with 17 fields Provides information on how many channels were recorded, the time duration of the recording, sampling frequency etc 2-Data The time series data. Each row corresponds to a recording signals as listed above. The Data is in int8 format and the amplitude in digitised points To change amplitude to uV type the command into the MATLAB command prompt "double(NS5.Data)/4" 3-RawData Structure with 3 fields Contains the headers, DataHeader and information about how long the file was paused for 4-ElectrodesInfo Structure with 16 fields containing information about each of the electrodes used for recording. For NEv files the structure will contain 4 fields 1- MetaTags Structure with 21 fields 2-ElectrodesInfo Structure with 16 fields containing information about each of the electrodes used for recording. 3-Data Structure with 8 fields Contains the TimeStamp comments were added in sample points and in seconds (TimeStamp and TimeStampSec) NEV.Data.Comments.Text contains each comment int the order it was added. 4-IOlabels Explain the relationship between multiple data sets, if required: The .ns5 and .nev files with the same name were recorded at the same time. The comments and timestamps in the .nev file correspond to the time series data in the .ns5 file of the same name. The data is divided into three folders corresponding three different animals the data was collected on, and labelled with the date they were collected. Key words used to describe the data: neural signals sensory response nerve recordings cuff electrodes ========================== Methodological information ========================== A brief method description – what the data is, how and why it was collected or created, and how it was processed: For a full description of the methodology please see publication Brunton E, Blau CW, Nazarpour K. Separability of neural responses to standardised mechanical stimulation of limbs. Scientific Reports. 2017;7:11138. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-11349-z. The data is the nerve signals recorded in response to mechanical stimulation of the limbs. The nerve signals were digitised and bandpassed filtered (0.3 - 7.5 kHz). The signals were recorded at 30,000 samples per second and further digitally band pass filtered (0.25 - 5 kHz). Three types mechanical stimulation were applied and this is indicated in the filename Proprioception - prop - the foot was moved to 6 angles -30, -20, -10, 10, 20 and 30 degrees. As indicated in the filename. The start and end of the movement is indicated by comments. Nociception - Noci - A pinch of the heel or the outer toe. As indicated in the filename. The start and end of the pinch is indicated by the pressure sensor data recorded in row 18 of the .ns5 time series data. Touch - Touch - Touch of the middle of the foot with either a 100 or 300 gram Von Frey hair as indicated in the filename. Instruments, hardware and software used: Concentric Nerve cuff - (Microprobes for Life Science, USA) Cerebus Neural Signal Processpor - (Blackrock Microsystems, USA) Cereplex M-32 head stage - (Blackrock Microsystems, USA) Central Software Suite - (Blackrock Microsystems, USA) MATLAB - (Mathworks, U.S.A) Date(s) of data collection: The data was collected over 3 days from the 12/08/2016 until the 25/08/2016 Data validation (how was the data checked, proofed and cleaned): This is the raw data. Overview of secondary data, if used: ========================= Data-specific information ========================= Definitions of names, labels, acronyms or specialist terminology uses for variables, records and their values: Explanation of weighting and grossing variables: Outline any missing data: ======= Contact ======= Please contact for further information