Newcastle University

Martin P Eccles PhD Sounds of Walking selected sound works

Posted on 2024-04-19 - 15:47 authored by Martin Paul Eccles

Whilst all of the sound files contributing to works described in my thesis are available to be listened to through my website ( or Soundcloud ( (and are detailed in Appendix Cof my thesis) I selected five works (and six sound files) as exemplars of my work for examination. 

From Chapter 3, Walking Through My Senses, I have selected the 59 minute radio version of No. 2: ‘no trace’ (p. 51), and from Chapter 4, Walking time: Replicated Walking, I have selected the 120 minute work seven days in June Radiophrenia. Both contain field recordings and spoken poetry. Chapter 5, A Pattern of Islands, has three sub-sections and I have chosen one work from each. From (A)Round Islands, I have chosen two of the constituent 60 minute recordings from the 24 hour work Beàrnaraigh; I have chosen the 60 minute recordings that run from 02:00h and 14:00h. From Random (Islands), I have chosen the longest of the selected works, the four-hour version of Back Up The Long Wall: four midsummer dances for an imaginary island. Finally, from Imagined Islands Walking Contención Island, I have selected the 60 minute work A very random lockdown


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