Newcastle University

Interactions between Internal Solitary Waves and Sea Ice

Version 2 2023-12-21, 10:09
Version 1 2023-09-18, 14:18
Posted on 2023-12-21 - 10:09 authored by Samuel Hartharn-Evans

Data from `The interaction of internal solitary waves and sea ice' study. This laboratory study investigated the interactions between internal solitary waves and floats representing sea ice.

Data and code is presented as follows:

  1. DJL Data for Parameterisation: DJL data used to parameterise float motion based on input wave parameters as given in fig 6, eqn.6 of linked paper/chapter.
  2. ISW Float Motion Model: Code to implement Float Motion Model described in "Interactions between Internal Solitary Waves and Sea Ice" 
  3. Camera Data: Interactions between Internal Solitary Waves and Sea Ice: This data record contains raw camera images from each experiment presented in the study (each split into three cameras) as *.avi movies 
  4. Experimental (non camera) data: Interactions between Internal Solitary Waves and Sea Ice: Additional data related to each experiment, including probe (stratification) data, experimental parameters, world coordinate system reference data, PIV time series, measured float locations, and DJL calculations. 
  5. Experimental Parameters Index: Interactions between Internal Solitary Waves and Sea Ice: Experimental metadata and initial calculations of wave parameters for all experiments relating to this study. 


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