Newcastle University

Brian Ford

Research Associate (Biological sciences)

Newcastle upon Tyne, UK


  • A Potent Combination Microbicide that Targets SHIV-RT, HSV-2 and HPV
  • Identification of Personal Lubricants that can Cause Rectal Epithelial Cell Damage and Enhance HIV-1 Replication In Vitro
  • Evolutionary Ecology of the Viruses of Microorganisms
  • Metformin lowers glucose 6-phosphate in hepatocytes by activation of glycolysis downstream of glucose phosphorylation
  • The Metformin Mechanism on Gluconeogenesis and AMPK Activation: The Metabolite Perspective
  • Chronic glucokinase activator treatment activates liver Carbohydrate response element binding protein and improves hepatocyte ATP homeostasis during substrate challenge
  • The Protective Role of the Carbohydrate Response Element Binding Protein in the Liver: The Metabolite Perspective
  • Frequency and Fitness Consequences of Bacteriophage Φ6 Host Range Mutations
  • Zinc Acetate/Carrageenan Gels Exhibit Potent Activity In Vivo against High-Dose Herpes Simplex Virus 2 Vaginal and Rectal Challenge
  • In vitro and in vivo evaluation of two carrageenan-based formulations to prevent HPV acquisition
  • The GCKR-P446L gene variant predisposes to raised blood cholesterol and lower blood glucose in the P446L mouse- a model for GCKR rs1260326

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Loranne Agius

Loranne Agius

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