Newcastle University

Expanded Interiors Re-Staged - Educational resource pack - Roman Interiors

posted on 2022-02-15, 11:22 authored by Catrin HuberCatrin Huber, Harriet SutcliffeHarriet Sutcliffe, Thea RavasiThea Ravasi
Please read in conjunction with the Project Overview Metadata

This dataset contains an adaptable Powerpoint presentation for schools: Roman Interiors, together with its respective worksheet (PDF). These built on the research done for Expanded Interiors. The Powerpoint presentation is also available as a PDF.

These educational resources are created for Key Stage 2 pupils (aged from 7 – 11; years 3,4,5 and 6).

As part of Expanded Interiors Catrin Huber developed three large-scale installations that responded to and were in dialogue with the interior decorations, wall paintings, and architecture of two Roman houses: the House of the Cryptoporticus at Pompeii and the House of the Beautiful Courtyard in Herculaneum. This teaching material aims to creatively engage pupils with Roman interior decoration both in Italy and the UK, while linking it to their present day life. Pupils will also discover how a contemporary artist responded to an archaeological site, and will be encouraged to do their own artworks in response.

Texts by Catrin Huber, Dr Harriet Sutcliffe. Design by Dr Harriet Sutcliffe. Concept by Catrin Huber, Dr Thea Ravasi, Dr Harriet Sutcliife.

Please note that you can adapt the Powerpoint presentation to your own needs, however all the images are protected under the following licence: CC BY-NC-ND-4.0.

The exhibition Expanded Interiors Re-Staged relocated to Newcastle’s Hatton Gallery contemporary installations created by visual artist Catrin Huber as part of an earlier project, Expanded Interiors. Catrin Huber’s Expanded Interiors installations had been sited and displayed at the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Herculaneum and Pompeii. They were shown in situ from May 2018 – January 2019.

In the Hatton Gallery in Newcastle these installations were exhibited alongside new work developed by Catrin Huber to set them in a fresh dialogue in this new context, with the distinctive architecture of the Hatton Gallery. Artist Rosie Morris, who was part of the original Expanded Interiors research team was commissioned to develop her own contemporary installation in response to the research done within the Roman houses, and the new venue. The Expanded Interiors Re-Staged exhibition ran from 3 July to 10 August 2021.


Expanded Interiors Re-Staged - from Herculaneum and Pompeii to the North-East of England

Arts and Humanities Research Council

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  • Art and Design