Partitioned Non-Synthetic European Low Voltage Test System is a set of OpenDSS models comprised of a partitioning of the individual low voltage networks that together make up Arboleya et al's "Non-Synthetic European Low Voltage Test System" [DOI: 10.17632/685vgp64sm.1].
This derivative of the above work aims to be simpler and quicker to work with. It also provides a number of alternative options (e.g., a kron-reduced version). The validation of the partitioned models is described in the readme.
This work was supported by the Centre for Postdoctoral Development in Infrastructure, Cities and Energy (C-DICE) programme led by Loughborough University in partnership with Cranfield University and the University of Birmingham. C-DICE is funded by the Research England Development Fund. It was also supported by a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship.