Webinar 19.04.12: Future Infrastructure Challenges for Sustainable Cities
Future Infrastructure Challenges for Sustainable Cities
Centre for Researching Cities led event, 19th April, 4pm (BST) via Zoom
Join us for a series of talks around the theme of 'Future Infrastructure Challenges for Sustainable Cities'. The session will include 3 talks followed by a Q&A session.
Infrastructure Resilience: Planning for Future Extreme Events
Dr Sarah Dunn (SOE, Newcastle)
Levelling up? Urban infrastructure challenges in the UK
Prof Andy Pike (Henry Daysh Professor of Regional Development Studies, Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS)
UKCRIC – on a Mission to Transform the Engineering of Infrastructure and Urban Systems
Prof Chris Rogers Eur Ing, BSc, PhD, CEng, MICE, FCIHT, SFHEA University of Birmingham, Civil Engineering
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