Newcastle University

Measuring membrane permeation rates through the optical visualisation of a single pore - video

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posted on 2020-03-25, 14:50 authored by Greg MutchGreg Mutch, Ian Metcalfe, Evangelos PapaioannouEvangelos Papaioannou, Sotiria Tsochataridou, Dragos NeaguDragos Neagu, Brian Ray, Rosa I. Merino, Marisa L. Sanjuan, Víctor M. Orera, Ian S. Metcalfe
Here, an optically-transparent single crystal has had a single pore laser-drilled into it, which has subsequently been infiltrated with molten carbonate. Upon a change in the gas composition of the external environment of the single crystal, a gas bubble within the molten carbonate responds by increasing in volume. In this example, the gas bubble was equilibrated in a gas mixture containing 1.1 mol% CO2 before being exposed to a flowing mixture containing 50 mol% CO2 at the same time as starting visual acquisition. Thus, the bubble increases in size. The entire single-crystal model membrane was enclosed in an in-situ cell at ~550C, and provides a dynamic equivalent of a typical membrane experiment. Note, the original clip has been accelerated x10.


European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013)/ERC Grant Agreement Number 320725

EPSRC EP/M01486X/1

EPSRC EP/P007767/1

EPSRC EP/P009050/1




  • Engineering