Newcastle University

EMPoWER Young People's views - full film

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posted on 2020-12-02, 08:55 authored by Niina KolehmainenNiina Kolehmainen, Jennifer McAnuffJennifer McAnuff, Nathan BrayNathan Bray, Dawn Craig
EMPoWER - Early Mobility and Powered Wheelchair Evidence Review - was a research project to investigate whether providing powered mobility for very young children (under 5 year olds) provides more benefits than waiting until after children are 5 years or older. From the beginning, we wanted children and young people to influence the project. So we teamed up with AniMates, a group of seven young people and young artists aged 16-21 years, and an interdisciplinary artist and creative producer Lucy Barker. On EMPoWER, AniMates worked with the project team to: (1) keep the views of young powered mobility users in focus at all times; and (2) find ways to explain how the project has been done, and what the results are. We now want to further share the creative outputs produced by AniMates. These reflect the group members' takes on some of the findings from the EMPoWER evidence synthesis. You can either view clips around specific topics. Enjoy!


Cost-effectiveness of earlier provision of powered mobility interventions for children with mobility limitations: evidence synthesis and economic model

NIHR Evaluation Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre

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