Extract 1_Sharing artefacts during whole group Zoom session, Task 1.png (342 kB)
Figure 1_Some digital artefacts created on the ENACT web app_common ground, re-enactment and resemiotisation.png (465.44 kB)
Extract 2_Craig’s instructor social presence and Karen’s instructor teaching presence.png (2.5 MB)
ENACT_information sheet and consent form.pdf (344.97 kB)
4 files
Figures and Extracts for Chapter 19: Social Presence in Multimodal Online Learning Environments in the Bloomsbury Handbook of Language Learning and Technology (Regine Hampel and Ursula Stickler, Eds.)
These figures are for a book chapter published in the Bloomsbury Hanbook of Technology Enhanced Language Learning, edited by Regine Hampel and Ursula Stickler.
Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education 2019-1-UK01-KA203-061567
Newcastle University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Research Fund, 2018 Spring call
Université Clermont Auvergne (Foreign researchers – short research visit, 2018)