Figures 10 – 11
The collection of SEM images for the samples exposed to tap water (TP) and wastewater (WW), respectively.
The labelling of the samples is as follows:
SI_R - represents plain mortar (samples in Set I)
SI_R+GM_I_ACG-Ø - represents plain mortar with growth media I (calcium nitrate and yeast extract) and aerated concrete granules
SI_R+GM_I_ACG-S - represents plain mortar with growth media I (calcium nitrate and yeast extract) and aerated concrete granules with spores
SII_R - represents plain mortar (samples in Set II)
SII_R+C_ ACG-Ø - represents plain mortar with calcium nitrate and aerated concrete granules
SII_R+YA_ ACG-Ø - represents plain mortar with sodium acetate and aerated concrete granules
SII_R+GM_II_ACG-Ø - represents plain mortar with with growth media II (calcium nitrate and sodium acetate) and aerated concrete granules
SII_R+GM_II_ACG-S - represents plain mortar with with growth media II (calcium nitrate and sodium acetate) and aerated concrete granules with spores