ns laser flash photolysis of KMoSn[BOD] in MeCN
Transient absorption spectroscopy was
performed on acetonitrile solution samples of the bodipy hybrid TBA-KMoSn[BOD]
with an OD 0.25 to 0.9 AU, in a 1 mm pathlength quartz cuvette.
The samples were purged with N2 before each measurement. For
recording the ns-μs dynamics of the Mo system an
externally triggered Q-switched Nd: YVO4 laser (Advanced Optical
Technology, 532 nm, 1 ns pulses, intensity of ~600 μW) was used as a pump source, while the ordinary femtosecond detection, photodiode
array coupled to a spectrograph (Pascher Instruments), with
supercontinuum probe was used to record the transient changes in the
The filenames refer to the sample and addition of aliquots of trifluoroacetic acid (numbers refer to molar equivalents of acid).
EPSRC EP/R021503/1
ERC 715354
LaserLab Europe LLC002553
- Chemistry