Newcastle University
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Test Hypothesised Mediation Model Data - specifically, investigating whether intolerance of uncertainty, family accommodation, and reassurance seeking, are multiple serial mediators in the relationship between attachment anxiety and OCD checking symptoms.

posted on 2024-11-22, 10:44 authored by Dorothy CassidyDorothy Cassidy, Mark FreestonMark Freeston

Two hundred and fifty adult participants, recruited from the general community, completed a cross-sectional online Qualtrics survey which included the Experiences in Close Relationships Scale-Revised (ECR-R), the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale – 12 item (IUS-12), the Attachment Behaviours Questionnaire (under development/unpublished), the Family Accommodation Scale-Patient Version (FAS-PV), measures of reassurance seeking (Reassurance Seeking Scale/RSS and adapted Reassurance Seeking Questionnaire (ReSQ)), and the Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory-Revised (adapted to include 5 additional checking items from the original OCI).

The data was used to test a hypothesised mediation model - specifically, investigating whether intolerance of uncertainty, family accommodation, and reassurance seeking, are multiple serial mediators in the relationship between attachment anxiety and OCD checking symptoms.
