Test Hypothesised Mediation Model Data - specifically, investigating whether intolerance of uncertainty, family accommodation, and reassurance seeking, are multiple serial mediators in the relationship between attachment anxiety and OCD checking symptoms.
Two hundred and fifty adult participants, recruited from the general community, completed a cross-sectional online Qualtrics survey which included the Experiences in Close Relationships Scale-Revised (ECR-R), the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale – 12 item (IUS-12), the Attachment Behaviours Questionnaire (under development/unpublished), the Family Accommodation Scale-Patient Version (FAS-PV), measures of reassurance seeking (Reassurance Seeking Scale/RSS and adapted Reassurance Seeking Questionnaire (ReSQ)), and the Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory-Revised (adapted to include 5 additional checking items from the original OCI).
The data was used to test a hypothesised mediation model - specifically, investigating whether intolerance of uncertainty, family accommodation, and reassurance seeking, are multiple serial mediators in the relationship between attachment anxiety and OCD checking symptoms.