In this spreadsheet coral cover for each year of monitoring is shown for Sites A, B, and C which are located on the SE tip of Phuket, Thailand and described in Brown et al (2011). At each site transects parallel to the shore were run along a line perpendicular to the shore which stretched from the shoreline to the reef edge. Each transect was 10m long and separated from each other by a distance of 10m. At Site A there are 12 transects across the reef, at Site B 17 transects, and Site C 12 transects. This spreadsheet is the master spreadsheet for all MDS analyses using PRIMER (see Brown et al 2011) and other papers in this publication). Values shown are percentage cover of each coral species on individual transects at each site. The code at the head of each column refers to the year of monitoring; the site, and the number of the transect. For example 83A1 represents measurements made in 1983 at Site A for transect 1.