Newcastle University

Metro Futures 2020 Website Data

posted on 2021-08-24, 08:30 authored by Simon BowenSimon Bowen, Alexander WilsonAlexander Wilson, Sunil RodgerSunil Rodger, Tom Feltwell

These files contain data submitted by visitors to the Metro Futures website ( as part of the Metro Futures public consultation on new trains for Tyne and Wear Metro in 2020. This data was exported in CSV format from the database where website responses had been stored. Data was submitted to the website in September and October 2020, and exported in 2021.

Every website visitor was assigned a unique session cookie ID. Data are listed as every datapoint entered, grouped by session ID (sessid). There are four files according to four tables in the database relating to three website sections plus demographics questions all visitors were asked.


Lists responses (response) to demographics questions along with timestamp (createdAt), ordered by question ID (questionid).


Lists design option choices (response) and comments (comment), along with timestamp (createdAt), in the Configure website section, ordered by question ID (questionid).


Lists comments (comment) and rating responses (likert), along with timestamp (createdAt), in the Explore website section, ordered by 360-degree image hotspot name (hotspotName).


Lists comments (comment), rating responses (likert), and design option choices (option), along with timestamp (createdAt), in the Journeys website section, ordered by persona name (personaName) and stage within a persona scenario (stageid).


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  • Computer Science and Informatics