The files are in MATLAB format, and the corresponding MATLAB scripts for Fig. 2, 4 to 11 are included (named by the *.m files). If there is any question/problem, please contact
“tauQ” are the quench durations considered in this work.
* File Name: fig_2_b_and_c.mat
Contains the information for Fig. 2 (b) and (c). For Fig. 2 (b).
“time_tc” are the time in t-t_c in ms for tau_Q=150 ms.
“time_tc_eqbm” is the time axis for equilibrium data in t-t_c.
“lcoh” and “dlcoh” are the correlation length and its standard deviation for tau_Q=150 ms.
“lcoh_eqbm” and “dlcoh_eqbm” are the correlation length and its confidential bound for equilibrium data.
“DeltaLcoh” and “dDeltaLcoh” are value of Eq. (15) and its errorbar.
For Fig. 2(c):
“t” is an 1 x 5 array with the time information;
“x”, “y” and “z” are the spatial axes;
“uPOt” contains 5 PO mode for the snapshots listed in “t”;
“aho” is the length unit in meter.
It can be easily plotted by the below matlab script for the isosurface plot. The purple line is the high velocity field region, please refer to Ref. [19] for detail.
jj = 1, % number of snapshot from Fig. 2 (c) i to v.
u = reshape(uPOt(jj,:),[length(y) length(x) length(z)]);
This file contains the most infomraiton of this work for Fig. 4, 5, 6, 8 and 11, including the momentum occupations, spatial densities and density wavefronts for 6 dynamical data. Information is saved in CELL array format, and the j-th cell correspond to the information of j-th tauQ in “dync_tauQ.mat”. The wavefronts are smoothed data after tracing the density.
The plots can be reproduced by fig_4_5.m, fig_6.m, fig_8.m and fig_11.m.
“aho” the length unit
“nk0”, “dnk0” and “dnkl”: Cell arrays for the momentum occupation for k=0 mode “nk0” with its standard deviation, “dnk0” and the lower bound error “dnk0l” for plotting things in log scale, for Fig. 4;
“kxp” the k_x axis for the plot in dimensionless unit (a_ho*k_x) for Fig. 5;
“nkx” and “dnkx”: Cell arrays for the momentum occupation along k_x axis ”nkx” with its standard deviation “dnkx” for Fig. 5;
“xp” the x axis for the plot in the unit of “aho”.
“den_x” and “dden_x”: Cell arrays for the spatial density along x axis with the standard deviations in dimensionless unit for Fig. 6.
“time_tc”: Cell arrasy for the time axis in t-t_c in ms for the momentum data. For the scale axis in the figures, please read the \hat{t} from “dync_tauQ” by evaluating \hat{t}=\sqrt{t0*tauQ} with t0 =hbar/(gamma*muf) * 1e3 with gamma=5e-4 and muf=22*hbar*w_perp=22*hbar*131.4 Hz and plot above quantities in (time_tc-1.3*that)/tauQ axis.
“time_tc_den”: Cell arrasy for the time axis in t-t_c in ms for density data. For the scale axis in the figures, please read the \hat{t} from “dync_tauQ” by evaluating \hat{t}=\sqrt{t0*tauQ} with t0 =hbar/(gamma*muf) * 1e3 with gamma=5e-4 and muf=22*hbar*w_perp=22*hbar*131.4 Hz and plot above quantities in (time_tc-1.3*that)/tauQ axis.
“kxp”: The momentum axis in dimesionless unit, a_ho * k_x.
“den_x_front” and “t_den_x_front” are the density front and the corresponding time axis respectivley for the x direction in the unit of “aho”;
“den_rho_front” and “t_den_rho_front” are the density front and the corresponding time axis respectively for the transverse direction in the unit of “aho”;
“den_cen” and “dden_cen” are the central densities and their standard deviations for different quench duraitons for Fig. 6 and Fig. 8 (a).
“i_target” the time snapshot index for Fig. 11 (c) and (d).
“cmap_nonscale” is the colormap for the left column of Fig. 5;
“cmap_k” is the colourmap for the right column of Fig. 5;