Newcastle University
Untreated biopolymers(2).vms (558.99 kB)
AR_WSB_cellulose_py 610 all peaks.ocb (27.29 MB)
AR_WSB_chitin_THM610 all peaks.ocb (29 MB)
AR_WSB_lignin_ py 610 all peaks.ocb (26.81 MB)
HyPy_WSB_cellulose_THM610 all peaks.ocb (23.34 MB)
HyPy_WSB_chitin_THM610 all peaks.ocb (24.39 MB)
HyPy_WSB_lignin_THM610 all peaks.ocb (23.77 MB)
mean ojp tuffXPS.vms (851.91 kB)
MS7 hypy biopolymers XPS.vms (413.04 kB)
OJP_13_THM 610C_replicate c.ocb (7.34 MB)
OJP_13_THM 610C_replicate B.ocb (7.73 MB)
11 files

GC/MS and XPS Dataset Comparing Untreated and Hydous Pyrolysed biopolymers

posted on 2020-07-27, 14:07 authored by Graham PurvisGraham Purvis, Elisa Lopez-CapelElisa Lopez-Capel

For data underpinning the research paper "Generation of long-chain fatty acids by hydrogen-driven bicarbonate reduction in ancient alkaline hydrothermal vents", please go to

XPS and GC/MS analysis of plant and fungal structural biopolymers used to produce manuscript entitled.

Comparison of The Molecular Composition of Plant and Fungal Structural Biopolymer Standards with The Organic Material in Early Cretaceous Ontong Java Plateau Tuff

This dataset includes results from replicate experiments

data in native format and XPS requires CASAXPS andGC/MS requires Opnechrom

Filename AR=Untreated and hypy=hydrous pyrolysed samples


Leverhulme Trust
