Figure 3 source data
This dataset is part of the 'Source data and representative raw data for "Peptidoglycan synthesis drives a single population of septal cell wall synthases during division in Bacillus subtilis"' collection. For a link to the related paper, study-level information and guide to the data, as well as viewing all other related research data, please visit the collection.
220405_slide2_6_MMStack_Default_561_denoise.ome_ring11 corresponds to Fig. 3a, top kymograph.
220407_slide2_3_MMStack_Default_561_denoise.ome_ring18 corresponds to Fig. 3a, bottom kymograph.
220928_sh147sh056_phmm_30c_vercini_slide2_561_denoise_ring3 corresponds to Fig. 3c, top kymograph.
221013_sh147sh056_phmm_30c_vercini_003_561_denoise_ring1 corresponds to Fig. 3c, bottom kymograph.
230613_sh147_phmm_30c_pc19_3gauss and 230607_sh147_phmm_30c_PC19_hist_logscale correspond to Fig. 3b.
230613_sh147sh056_phmm_30c_3gauss and 230607_sh147_phmm_30c_G106S_hist_logscale correspond to Fig. 3d.
231130_FtsZ_vs_PBP2B_speeds_95ci corresponds to Fig. 3e.
Whitley_2024_Fig3_SourceData contains all data used to produce plots in Fig. 3.
A single cell, single molecule microscopy platform for antibiotics research
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
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