Newcastle University

Dendritic silver self-assembly in molten-carbonate membranes for efficient carbon dioxide capture

posted on 2020-05-04, 09:53 authored by Liam A Mcneil, Greg MutchGreg Mutch, Francesco IacovielloFrancesco Iacoviello, Josh Bailey, Georgios D. Triantafillou, Dragos NeaguDragos Neagu, Thomas MillerThomas Miller, Evangelos PapaioannouEvangelos Papaioannou, Wenting Hu, Dan Brett, Paul ShearingPaul Shearing, Ian S. Metcalfe
In this work, the dendritic growth of silver within a supported molten-salt membrane was exploited to produce membranes with unparalleled carbon dioxide flux. Dendritic growth was evidenced using X-ray micro-CT and conductivity measurements. Multiple pore tubular membranes were fabricated, as well as randomly porous membranes. In both geometries, silver dendritic growth occurred and resulted in enhanced flux. A selection of the membranes provided agenda-setting carbon dioxide fluxes, and approached or bettered the permeance, selectivity and permeability requirements for economically-competitive carbon dioxide capture.

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European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement Number 320725

EPSRC EP/M01486X/1

EPSRC EP/P007767/1

EPSRC EP/P009050/1

EPSRC EP/M028100/1

EPSRC EP/M50791X/1

EPSRC EP/P023851/1

Royal Academy of Engineering CIET 1718/59



  • Engineering