Newcastle University

Dataset: Strength parameter selection framework for evaluating the design life of clay cut slopes

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posted on 2021-10-11, 14:05 authored by Peter HelmPeter Helm, Harry Postill, Neil Dixon, Ashraf El-HamalawiAshraf El-Hamalawi, Stephanie Glendinning, Andy Take
This is the dataset presented in the publication: Postill, H; Helm, PR; Dixon, N; El-Hamalawi, A; Glendinning, S & Take, WA (2021). Strength parameter selection framework for evaluating the design life of clay cut slopes. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.1680/jgeen.21.00125.

This repository contains the dataset used to produce the figures in the related publication and consists of material strain softening data, assumed in-situ initial stress profiles, modelled time series of slope surface displacements, derived values for inverse velocity of the modelled slopes, residual factor change with time, the failure geometry and time to failure along with data on design life for differing slope geometries. See the file "Read Me and Metadata Record.pdf" for more information on the contents.

Further Information:
The PhD research and associated modelling work were funded by Loughborough University. The production of the publication was supported by the iSMART (EPSRC project EP/K027050/1) and ACHILLES (EPSRC programme grant EP/R034575/1) project groups.

Along with a link to the published version of the paper, the original research (in the form of the PhD thesis) and a related modelling validation paper are available in the references section below. More information on the iSMART and ACHILLES projects can be found in the funding section.


Assessment, Costing and enHancement of long lIfe, Long Linear assEtS (ACHILLES)

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