Newcastle University

Data from the UKCRIC National Green Infrastructure Facility: Advancing Knowledge of Green Infrastructure and Sustainable Drainage Systems

Version 3 2022-09-20, 14:10
Version 2 2021-07-14, 15:19
Version 1 2021-05-26, 15:14
posted on 2022-09-20, 14:10 authored by Ross StirlingRoss Stirling, Daniel GreenDaniel Green, Alethea Goddard, Eleanor Starkey, Jessica Holmes, Emma Louise McconnellEmma Louise Mcconnell, Narryn Thaman, Helen BrooksHelen Brooks, Claire Walsh, Richard Dawson

Data from the UKCRIC National Green Infrastructure Facility: Advancing Knowledge of Green Infrastructure and Sustainable Drainage Systems

The UKCRIC National Green Infrastructure Facility (NGIF) is a full-scale living laboratory for multidisciplinary testing and demonstration of fully functional green infrastructure and sustainable drainage systems, based at Newcastle University, in the North-East of England. The NGIF is based in the Urban Sciences Building (NE4 5TG) and features a number of heavily instrumented green infrastructure features along Holmes Avenue.

This dataset forms a complete and up-to-date repository of all data collected at the NGIF. Data is presented for the NGIF Lysimeters, Ensemble 'rain gardens', Swale, Green Roof and other instrumented on-site GI features.

*A complete dataset of NGIF data is found in the file ''. This is supplemented by a Read Me file ('Read Me.pdf'), containing relevant information on the data and experiments. Consultation of the read me documentation before opening the dataset file is recommended. A supplementary video ('Video.mp4') is also attached for background and context on the facility*

Further information:

Some data is also available for visualisation and plotting on the NGIF data app:

Please contact for further information, or follow us on Twitter (@NGIF_UK).

Version 1: all sensor data from the NGIF until 07.21

Version 2: all sensor data from the NGIF until 09/22


UKCRIC - UK Collaboratorium for Research in Infrastructure & Cities: Newcastle Laboratories

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

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