Data for the manuscript Berberine isolation from Coscinium fenestratum: optical, electrochemical, and computational studies
General information
Author: B R Horrocks
DOI: 10.1039/D3RA01769A
Last updated: 7 July 2023
Related article: Rajapakse et al. RSC Adv., 2023,13, 17062-17073
Introductory information
Files included in the data deposit (figure numbers refer to the article above):
1) UV-Vis. Data for Fig. 6 in text format.
2) Calculations. Log files from Gaussian for the reported calculations. Filenaming conventions in files notes.txt
3) FTIR. Data for Fig. S2 of SI file in text format.
4) Fluorescence. Data for Fig. 9 in text format.
5) CV. Data for Figs. 11 and 12 in text format.
6) UME. Data for Fig. 13 in text format.
Zip file organised into folders 1-6 above. In each folder, file notes.txt gives details of the file format.
Methodological information
The methodology used to collect the data is given in the experimental methods section of the article:
Rajapakse et al. RSC Adv., 2023,13, 17062-17073
Data-specific information
All data is given as text files. Leftmost column is wavelength / nm for optical spectra, wavenumber / cm-1 for FTIR and poitential / V for electrochemistry.
Files notes.txt give format details.