D-Suite Modelling: Customer Load Profile Allocations
This readme outlines the content of the data share from modelling six networks from the project, released as a part of Deliverable 1.1 of the D-Suite Alpha project led by SP Energy Networks.
Data sourced from SP Energy Network's HEATUP and EVUP projects have been used to influence the uptake of LCTs in future scenarios for each customer. For more information about the modelling see Appendix B of deliverable "D1.3: Cost-Benefit Analysis" (these can be downloaded from the Smarter Networks Portal). An example notebook “usage_data.pdf” is bundled which shows code for reading the data and the contents.
The networks corresponding to these data are available from M. Deakin "Six UK-based Low Voltage Distribution Network Models", DOI link.
Note that the "UPRNs" that are listed are unique, randomized four digit IDs which are not true UPRNs.
Acknowledgement: This work was funded by the Ofgem Strategic Innovation Fund. D-Suite Alpha is project reference number 10086622 and is led by SP Energy Networks. We acknowledge the support of National Grid ESO and Northern Powergrid respectively under their licenses for their Electric Nation Data and Distribution Future Energy Scenarios. See the Appendix B of deliverable "D1.3: Cost-Benefit Analysis" (download from Smarter Networks Portal link below) for additional data and licenses used.
Attribution: This data (profiles and customers), code snippets (notebook) are licensed under a Creative Commons – BY 4.0 licence, they can be referenced as "J. Scott, D. Greenwood, N. Zografou-Barredo, 'D-Suite Modelling: Customer Load Profile Allocations', 2025, DOI: 10.25405/data.ncl.27175359"