MATLAB data files containing USP computed for cold shear instability cases presented in "A new approach to understanding fluid mixing in process-study models of stratified fluids" study, including passive dye cases.
ColdKH_dye1_USP_rho_t.mat: cold K-H dye 1 case USP with density vs temperature
ColdKH_dye1_USP_t_KEv.mat: cold K-H dye 1 case USP with temperature vs transverse Kinetic Energy
ColdKH_dye2_USP_rho_t.mat: cold K-H dye 2 case USP with density vs temperature
ColdKH_dye2_USP_t_KEv.mat: cold K-H dye 2 case USP with temperature vs transverse Kinetic Energy
ColdKH_USP_KE.mat: cold K-H case USP with density vs Kinetic Energy
ColdKH_USP_KEv.mat: cold K-H case USP with density vs transverse Kinetic Energy
ColdKH_USP_rho_t.mat: cold K-H case USP with density vs temperature
ColdKH_USP_t_KEv.mat: cold K-H case USP with temperature vs transverse Kinetic Energy