Newcastle University

CURSUS Project: An Online Resource of Medieval Liturgical Texts

posted on 2021-07-19, 11:07 authored by James CummingsJames Cummings, David Chadd, Richard Lewis

This is a legacy deposit of the data and website of the CURUS Project. An Online Resource of Medieval Liturgical Texts funded by the AHRB from 2000-2003.

This file has been upload on 2021-07-11 by Dr James Cummings to ensure that there are lots of copies of the CURSUS materials around for the future, but also to have a DOI which to cite in upcoming publications concerning it.

A copy of some of the data is also available at and is deposited in Zenodo as well at

Original Creators: Dr James Cummings, Professor David Chadd, Dr Richard Lewis
License: Creative Commons, Attribution, Non-Commericial 4.0 International

It includes the TEI P4 XML based markup (with significant project additions documented in the DTD), transformations XSLT 1.0 Stylesheets and an HTML scrape of the website as of 2020-07-11. It includes additional material to the 12 manuscript editions such as a corpus of antiphons/responds/prayers of the Corpus Antiphonalium Officii, and a vulgate bible. The website stopped having new additions in 2009 at the time of Professor David Chadd's sad death.





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