2D fluid solver for MET layouts
Python code for calculating flow streamlines in a two-dimensional geometry. This implements an RK4 algorithm and will simulate until a quasi-steady state is reached. This solver will only return the steady state velocity field x and y components (UX, UY).
There are two reactor geometries considered for MET (Microbial electrochemical technologies).
"Domain_Config.py" is a domain setup file, that outlines reactor geometry and fluid retention time.
"Flow_streamlines.py" will load detains from Domain_config and return the flow profiles steady state condition.
"Plotting_thesis.py" Contains functions to easily plot stream and contour plots for consistency.
"Solver.py" is the bulk of the fluid solver and where the time-stepping is conducted.
Issues may arise if resolution, dx, or dy are to small. Modify resolution or domain size if this occurs.